And no security. (Tokio Hotel is a teenager band phenomenon here in Germany, all our girls here in the agency - all around 30 btw - go crazy.)
Didn't know the music, they are doing yet, but had to listen all afternoon - they were just across the street here at Kampnagel. Look out of my office's window.....
Bill, Tokio Hotel, is really here
1 Kommentar:
Immer dran denken: Sag nix Dummes. Und anonyme (also nicht mit einem Blog, Profil etc verknüpfte) Kommentare lösche ich vielleicht. Antworte auf jeden Fall nicht.
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Kommentare zum Post (Atom)
You are SOOOOOOOOOO Lucky.
AntwortenLöschenAre you saying that is Bill standing out in the middle of the street?