...erklärte Hugh MacLeod schon Mitte August erschöpfend (ich kam heute drauf, weil ich zwar scheiße krank im Bett bin, aber doch einmal das Macbook öffnete und über den Eintrag meines Kollegen Guillaume stolperte). Sehr gelacht vor Zustimmung habe ich über diesen Punkt:
gapingvoid: "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards": why we're all blogging less
gapingvoid: "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards": why we're all blogging less
Believe it or not, some of us have better things to do than to be continually justifying ourselves to a crowd of passive-aggressive, self-loathing, loser fucktards. Thankfully these folk are a minority, but their one skill-set in life seems to be in the less-than-noble art of "using up too much oxygen". Which makes "Engaging in The Conversation" a lot less appealing for the others. Life is short.
Gute Besserung natürlich!... ;-)
AntwortenLöschengute besserung!